
Your one stop Medicare solution
For immediate answers and results, call now: 1-800-783-6495
Home      Products

A list of every 
plan in your zip code
and rates.



*Medicare supplements from many different   carriers.
* Medicare part D (prescription) coverage
Let us find you a health plan WITH Rx included.
Or, we can find a very affordable plan for your needs.  There are literally hundreds of choices.

Medicare Advantage:

 These plans are called "part C" of
Medicare.  Private Insurance companies contract with the federal government to manage your health care.  Some plans are HMOs, PPOs, and "private fee for service".  Each plan has their pros/cons.
In some areas, premiums start at $0


        IRA Rollover


       Safe Investments

Tax deferred/bypass probate




Life Insurance


       Dental / Vision/ Hearing


Rates start low as $15/month


   Plans starting around $25 for $1,000 annual benefits


Long Term Care





Instant report shows all your choices and the cost
Starting at $23 per month
for $1,000 in annual  benefits.